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Notices and Updates for Coordinators and Directors

Updated 8/3/24

Follow this link to the official camporee schedule.

Updated 8/3/24

Charter buses will be available starting Saturday night.

Updated 8/6/24

Coordinators and Directors are to meet in the Information Booth of SWRC Headquarters from 7-7:30 AM.

Updated 8/3/24

All are encouraged to sign up to receive Emergency Notification from Campbell County, Wyoming, specific to our International Camporee. You may register here

If you need help with registering for notifications, please check this link.

Updated 8/3/24

In the case of an emergency that requires evacuation of our SWRC Camping Site, clubs will need to evacuate to their designated zones. 
Zone 1–SWRC Personnel
Zone 2North Central Texas Federation
Agape Fellowship, Dallas Trailblazers, Dallas Faith temple, DFW Ghanaian, Arlington Metro
Zone 3–Oklahoma Federation
Tulsa Bethel, Voice of Hope
Zone 4–Mountain States Federation
Mount of Blessings
Zone 5–South Louisiana Federation
Hammond Emmanuel, New Orleans Ephesus, Glad Tidings, Westbank United
Zone 6–Ark-La-Tex Federation
Mansfield Memorial
Zone 7–Capital Cities Federation
Metropolitan, Houston Hebron, Austin Alpha, Virtual PFs, Cariker, San Antonio, Houston Berean

Please secure a map that includes designated evacuation zone areas at the SWRC Information Booth.

In case of a fire, hail, or tornado emergency, please evacuate to the respective shelter locations:

Fire Evacuation: Meet at the Southwestern Union Gate F entrance by the 18-wheeler trucks located on the south side of our campsite. We will cross the street with the respective club director and wait for further instructions. Please make sure all your Pathfinders are accounted for. 

Hail Storm Evacuation: Evacuate to the horse stables on the north side of our camp site, closest to SWRC Headquarters and our Golf Cart Parking area. 

Tornado Evacuation
: Clubs are to evacuate and seek shelter in the Wyoming Center (H-21).

Individuals with Special Needs: Designated golf cart drivers will transport individuals with special to the respective shelter locations or evacuation meeting places. Individuals with special needs must wait at the entrance of their respective club for transportation. 

Updated 8/2/24

1.No cooking is permitted under a canopy under any circumstance.
2. All camp sites are required to have Class C Fire Extinguishers.
Cooking with grease is not permitted due to high fire risk. (Class K fire extinguishers are required by Gillette’s Fire Marshall if cooking with grease. Gillette’s fire department will be inspecting grounds to insure rules are being followed to allow Camporee to remain open.)
4. If cooking in a food trailer, a state approved fire suppression system is required.

Click here for more information on BTP Camporee Fire Safety Requirements.

Updated 8/3/24

Golf cart assigned to SWRC must be parked in the designated Golf Cart Parking area behind the SWRC Main Entrance. 

Updated 8/3/24

Golf carts have designated roads. Do not drive in the pedestrian route.

Updated 8/3/24

Golf carts refueling times are 9-11 AM and 3-5 PM.

Updated 8/6/24
Updated 8/1/24

Directors are required to have their Pathfinders’ information regarding medical records and insurance records, as well as emergency directives. Directors are to provide these records to the nurse.  

Updated 8/1/24

The following flag colors identification. Do not dig in these areas. Red – electricity | Blue – water | Green – sewer | 
Yellow – gas | Orange – fiber optic/ internet

Updated 8/5/24

BTP Camporee Wristbands can be picked-up at the WY center. Registration is Morning Side Park. Please take a digital copy or a hard copy of your ticket to registration. 

SWRC Registration is at the main entrance to our campsite.

Updated 7/31/24

There are special events that don’t happen every day. Be sure to check the schedule to not miss any of these special events. 

Updated 7/31/24
Updated 7/31/24

Conference T-shirt day is Thursday, August 8.
Union T-shirt day is Friday, August 9.

Updated 8/3/24

If you would like to volunteer for SWRC during International Camporee, please fill out this form.

Updated 8/1/24

There are eight (8) water faucets per 24 ft. throughout our campsite.

Updated 8/1/24

Emergency Contacts

ID Badges: The QR Codes on ID Badges direct to this page where we have listed official Emergency Contacts. 

Ark-La-Tex Federation

Jervis Jones
(218) 217-6194

Capital Cities Federation

Darrell Maxwell
(214) 212-2094

Mountain States Federation

Daniel Perez
(727) 225-2149

North Central Texas Federation

Patricia Maxwell
(214) 202-6622

Oklahoma Federation

Kenneth Candley
(580) 583-9532

South Louisiana Federation

Irene Williams
(504) 330-3395

V States Federation

Isaac Diaz
(832) 829-8392

Round Trip Bus Schedule
Denver to Gillette | Gillete to Denver

Gillette to Denver Travel: On Saturday, August 10, all buses will arrive at the campground at 7:30 PM and will leave for Denver at 11 PM.

Bus 1
Dallas Trailblazers

Arrives in Denver at 6 PM
Departs for Gillete at 10 PM

Bus 2
Agape Mavericks

Arrives in Denver at 8:15 PM
Departs for Gillete at 10 PM

Bus 3
Bayton Navigators & New Life Pioneers

Arrives in Denver at 8:45 & 7:30 PM
Departs for Gillete at 11 PM

Bus 4
Ephesus & Slidell

Arrives in Denver at 11 PM
Departs for Gillette at 1 AM

Bus 5
Virtual Community

Arrives in Denver at 10 PM
Departs for Gillette at midnight

Bus 6
Houston - 4 clubs

Arrives in Denver at 12:15 AM
Departs for Gillette at 1:45 AM

Bus 7
Houston Berean

Arrives in Denver at 12:15 AM
Departs for Gillette at 1:45 AM

Bus 8
Houston Fondren

Arrives in Denver at 12:15 AM
Departs for Gillette at 1:45 AM

Southwest Region Camp Layout

Updated 8/3 2:05 PM

Arrival in Denver Airport

At the Airport

  • When you arrive at your gate in Denver Airport, Southwest Region Conference (SWRC) Airport Assigned Guides will be ready to meet you and direct you to DEN’s Train (an Automated Guideway Transit System) boarding area. 
  • Alternatively, you can take DEN’s train to Jeppesen Terminal, which is the last stop from your gate. 
  • From the Jeppesen Terminal, you will follow the signs to Level 5 Baggage Claim. 
  • At Level 5 Baggage Claim, SWRC Pathfinder Teams will greet and assist you to your charter bus to Gillette. Please check your respective Bus Schedule on this page for departure times.  
  • Clubs may wait for their respective bus departure time in the main sitting area of Jeppesen Terminal.
  • Prior to your bus departure, a) secure a meal at the airport and/or for your travel to Gillette. Travel from Denver to Gillette is about a 5-6 hour drive.

Safety & Travel Tips

  • Keep your Pathfinder ID Badges on at all times. The QR Code on ID Badges direct you to this page where Emergency Contacts are listed.
  • Always stay with your group. 
  • Make restroom stops only with an official chaperone.
  • While waiting at the airport for bus departures, we recommend you stay in the main sitting area of the Jeppesen Terminal.
  • Prior to your bus departure, a) secure a meal at the airport and/or for your travel to Gillette, b) make a restroom stop. Travel from Denver to Gillette is about a 6 hour drive.

Southwestern Union Camp Layout

International Camporee Camp Layout

Looking for Camporee Photos and Videos?

Visit our Conference Facebook and Instagram Social Platforms


Southwest Region Conference Parade Lineup

The Pathfinder Parade – Sabbath, August 10
3 PM Lineup | 4 PM Parade Starts

SWRC Banner
Master Guides
SWRC Color Guards
SWRC Drum Corps
Dallas City Temple
SWRC Drum Corps
Memorial All Stars
SWRC Drum Corps
DFW Ghanaian
SWRC Drum Corps

Agape Fellowship
Faith Temple Dallas
DFW Ghanaian
Arlington Metro
All Nations

Grace Temple Drum Corps

Bethel Tulsa
Voice Of Hope
Mount of Blessing
Hammond Emmanuel
Westbank United
Glad Tidings

Ephesus New Orleans
Drum Corps

Central Regional Spanish
El Paso East Spanish
Maranatha Houston Spanish
New Caney Spanish
Sugar Land Spanish
Houston Hebron
Austin Alpha
Virtual Pathfinder Club
Cariker Street
San Antonio Ephesus
Houston Berean
Houston New Life
World Harvest Outreach

Drum Corps

Southwest Region Baptisms at Camporee

Southwestern Union Baptism
Friday, August 9 from 6-7 PM

Southwest Region Conference Pathfinders who have made a decision for baptism and registered to be baptized at International Camporee will be baptized during the Southwestern Union Baptism on Friday, August 9 from 6 to 7 PM

Baptismal candidates check in at 5:30 PM at Main Stage. 

For more information or to register for baptism, please click here.

More on Camporee

Southwest Region Pathfinder Camporee Leadership

Darrell Maxwell
Conference Pathfinder Coordinator

Jessalyn Byrl Hope
Pathfinder Secretary

Jervis Jones
Capital Cities Pathfinder Coordinator

Brenda Galloway
Mountain States Pathfinder Coordinator

Patricia Maxwell
North Central States Pathfinder Coordinator

Kenneth Candley
Oklahoma Pathfinder Coordinator

Irene Williams
South Louisiana Area Pathfinder Coordinator

Isaac Diaz
V States Pathfinder Coordinator

Southwest Region Leadership

Dr. Carlton P. Byrd
Conference President

Jason C. North
VP for Administration

Philip Palmer
Chief Financial Officer

Vanston Archbold, Jr.
VP for Multicultural Ministries

Lulleither Massiah
Pathfinder Ministry Administrative Assistant

Leslie Soupet
Communications Director

James Johnson
Photo/Video Coverage

See You at Camporee!