Stewardship & Trust

Stewardship & Trust encourages the use of time, talents, & finances for the Lord’s work.
Stewardship is recognizing God as both Creator and Possessor of everything in heaven and on earth. As stewards, we are totally dependent upon God for every blessing. He provides everything we need for life—time, talents, and possessions. Tithe—God defines tithe as 10% of our increase, which is “holy to the Lord.” The storehouse for the tithe is the Conference, and the funds are used to support pastors, evangelists and church school teachers. Offerings—These are the gifts to God that accompany the tithe. They say “thank you” for His daily care and blessings to us. There are several types of offerings: Church Budget—Your local church needs you to give of your time and talents for its outreach and nurture ministries, but it also needs your financial support. Church budget covers all church expense, the Sabbath School budget, outreach ministries, and so on. World Missions—Sabbath Schools around the world support the world mission program of the Church. World Budget—Ministries supported by the World Budget include evangelism, church institutions and service agencies. Be assured of this, “God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed” (II Corinthains 9:8, NASB).